What's crazier...my bun, me, or my mismatching ponytail holder?!?

Monday, January 31, 2011

We are Back from Our Beach Trip!:)

We went to Pismo Beach and had a BLAST!!:) We got back a week or two ago. Between the Melodrama, bowling, shopping, and hanging out we had a good time at the beach! On Wednesday we had crazy day....boy did I look like a sight haha!:)Sorry I haven't updated in a long time!!! Iv'e been extremely busy! Tonight Lauren and I are going to go to my grandma's house. We are going to learn how to sew.:) Me and my mom are going to eat enchiladas at my grandma's house, then my cousin and I will start sewing! I can't wait!! Anyway, hope you enjoy the pictures of us, when we were at the beach! Well, adios!:)~~~~~~~~~~Emma~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun....your blog is cute! I enjoy reading it. Love your cousin, Lisa
